my experience at MOUNT SINGAI!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

well the title says it all! haha yesterday9th may 2010 i went on a pilgrimage to Mount Singai. Mount Singai is a well known pilgrimage place in Kuching, Malaysia. as the name says its situated on a mountain. haha the unique thing is that while climbing the mountain stations of the cross are located. So its not only gonna b a mountain hike but a hike with a religious touch as well. The catholic students from Swinburne (CSSS) participated in this event. had to wake up early in the mornin! and was a bit tired cause slept at 2 am the previous night after the ER servers dinner. haha so kept the alarm and got up. had a wash and went to A BLOCK where the bus was parked! haha the good thing was Desmond, Mark and Marianne joined as well! haha was so happy that they were coming! anyway went to Mount singhai and started to climb the mountain! it was so much fun! did the way of the cross. took about 30-40 mins to climb the mountain. then came to this awesome place. there was a statue as da picture and it was so nice! took a pic of it for blog haha anyway after going up we jus took a tiny break! and went to this amphitheater place more like an open air stage.

PIcture number 2 shows the mini amphitheater. We had a couple of Ice Breaking Sessions there! Divided the whole crowd into a few groups and did some drama there! it was fun hahaha! since we all knew all of them present there was no Shyness or anything! haha then we were just hanging out for a few more mins and then joined holy mass at the chapel. Picture number 3 shows the chapel where we had mass. Mass was
led by Fr. Albert who is supposed to be a dutch priest. We were joined by few Philippines citizens who had come to sarawak for working. Mass was awesom! was led by CSSS and music was led by me and stephanie! we played guitar and it was awesom! haha basically played most of holy trinity stuff hahaha thankss sueee huggy! hehe and Desmond taught me to play the alluluia in IBAN way ( i hope) haha i cudnt believe i played it that way praise the lord! haha anyway mass was awesome.
Then directly went for lunch cause everyone was really hungry after all that climbing and praying hehe! then had an awesom lunch. nice time to fellowship with each other! haha then after we took a small break and went to the amphitheater again and had some praise and worhip sessions! and some reflections as well. Praise sessions was led by pete and played by Stephie and me again! haha so amazing to jam for the lord. anyway then after had some sharing and we went back to our groups and shared how the word effects our lives. it was good to know how each other felt about it! then sine we were already behind schedule we had to come back the mountain cause we had to hed back to campus. it took about 30 mins to get back to campus and all said goodbye to each other. hmm it was memorable journey and wish could go again hehe! jus wanna tel my CSSS family that you guys are awesom and love you all!!


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