a day which i believe wil change my life..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
well.. hmm strange indeed but yet a powerful day in my life! looks lik there has been another awesom moment which i should remember! so hea i am bloggin my thoughts. well it all started like this. ER i have been having a thought in ma mind and actually god spoke to me! i was too stubborn and was trapped by earthly things to accept it! i was seriously going my way and honestly things ended up pretty badly eh :/ hmm i was thinkin thinkin y oh y and then suddenly today BOOM somthing was tlkin to me inside me and i actually realised it was da same voice which was talkin to me at ER! and i was shocked! seriously. and that voice actually explained EVERYTHING to me as to Y things dint wrk out and all! and it all FITTED perfectly! which made me more shocked! and from that moment on ALL wat has been hapenin has jus STRUCK me hard and involving my life!
i really cant believe it. hmmm
evening where the story became more alive was cause we had evening of prayer in church and i was not supposed to go. cause last night desmond was lik if i wanna com with him! and i was lik hmm NAHHH wil think about it! cause was feelin a bit weak since i was a bit sick as well! so today after class i had ma lunch! went bak to ma room and slept! and got up after a good nap! then somthin in ma heart was lik GO FOR IT! so i texted him and told him i was coming! and then he told me to b ready by 7. so anyway we went for it! nothin much it started! so had to help out with vocals and i was singing! and then after aunty who was talking today she was giving her talk! and i was listening to it! and THEN BOOM hea we go again things started to strike again! it was da continuation of morning! and i was thinking! everything she told struck me! and i was taking down all da notes for ma reading purposes and i was listenin very well! even i cant believe i listened so ALERT! cause it was simply about me! hmm then actually i was lik wow wow! and i got ma answer 50% and that 50% i value alot cause it was ALOT for da situ i was in! and then we finished the meeting and went to c121 to hangout! i actually dint wanna go cause i was not feelin well! but AGAIN somthin inside me pushed me to go for it! so i was lik ok! and ASAP i got in desmonds car WE BOTH spoke about wat we eachother felt during the message! and then was pretty amazing cause that message was right on TARGET BULLSEYE and we knew where things were going wrong! and it was lik woooow! and was talking and went to C121 and da rest hadn't com yet! so we were waiting for them! and then Sue came as well. and everyone followed! and they were havin supper while we were all jus talking about stuff! and da convo was going so awesom and i was loving it! listening to sue and da rest! felt lik a real homely feeling! and then 3rd time BOOM happened! adam gav his commitment answer about being serious with god! and then sue was talking about how the empowered youth have taken there VOW of PURITY! and i was lik WHOOOOOOAAAAA pure commitment! and it really struck me again! i was smiling but millions of stuff were runnin in my head! and now im more shocked is cause things are falling into place! before i thought that i was surrounded by probs and i got no place or road to walk on! but then BOOM there god shows me a way which i believe that a locked door was opened! i really cant believe it! and then i thought to my self i will take that way! and i know its NOT gonna b easy! its gonna b FILLED with test and FALLING DOWN! but i know that im jus been put into test! well PURITY is a hard but yet and important thing to keep! well atleast until i finish my degree! cause my attention wil b focused on 2 ways! GOD and STUDIES thats it! nothin more! and this is da road i have been searching for! but GOD showed me in his WAY and TIME! and sue asking that question WHO WANTS TO B SERIOUS WITH GOD! i know my mission which is to spread da fire and gods glory! and now i found my path! and im more than hapy about it! i am willing to walk in that way! for my parents, friends and everyone! and im sure i will b always watched over by god! my heart feels alot of peace today! and i know ITS ALL ABOUT U GOD!!! I AM SAYING YES TO U knowing all wats gonna com across me! thank u and praise u jesus always! AMENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!


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