Thursday, May 6, 2010

well i havent been updating for sometime! but i hope i wil be able to upload from now atleast! well im having the worst time of my life these day! even though i think that my life is gonna get better it ends up gettin worse! well u try to do somthing good for ppl and they end up Kicking your butt! its da same thin with everything! and in the world today we find really freaky ppl! so WATCH OUT GUYS haha

well today i jus had a really bad day! got Blasted from ma lecturer! well coming to think of it, it was the continuation of yesterday! haha i realised im stil CURSED by som1 and that CURSE keeps on happening! and nothin goes on riGHT sigh!

Dont ask about love cause its da worst thin that can happen to a person! right now in my opinion i think that love is shit! u wan care, love and attention from som1.. STOP thinkin about it! its not gonna wrk! haha cause at the end o the day u end up gettin hurt and HEART BROKEN! ppl say that there is no age barrier for love! but ppl put there OWN terms and conditions! wat a BULLSHIT world we live in! haha
and also ppl LOVE to take advantage over others! hahaha for godsake plsssssss! im sure ppl DISABLED are waaaay better haha!! well its all in attitude which matters!
at the end of the day u wil realise that there is NO1 in this FREAKING world for u! well u gotta survive ur own GAME! if u cant UR DOOMED! well sadly ppl have not been taught how to SOCIALIZE and to GIVE IN thats y they have issues! lik they CANT DO STUFF ON THERE OWN! omggg sad right! hahaha XD XD coming to think o it its sad about them! but sadly only thin we can do is to practice wat we preach and say FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THERE DOING! hahaha await moreeeee! coming soon!



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