MOTHERS DAY - missing my darling mom!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

hmm well its international mother's day! and i would like to wish all mommies worldwide a happy mommy day!! and may godbless u ALL always!! well coming in the topic went for ER thanksgiing dinner today! and after dinner had worship! then we had a session where they brought a cake and they called all the moms to come and cut it and we prayed for all moms worldwide! well my mom was always in ma mind! i was really sad cause i really missed her! was thinkin of the last time she hugged me in the airport! and tears were just flowing in her eyes! omg my heart jus broke down and i was in tears today! sigh! im missing my mom in such an awesom day lik today! even FR JEPPY told all the kids to do somthin for their moms tomoro! but wat can i do! my mommy is miles and miles away from me!! hmm i wish i spend da whole day with mom! well i do love my mom not only for tomoro! but its jus that da day is special i wanna spend it with her! only if god gave me da chance to meet mommy tomoro! sigh! but u knw i really felt it today! well we got 365 days a year! and y one special day to express our love to our moms! sigh! so jus wanna my amma to know that i love you always my darling amma!! ur my everything!! love you so much! and mommy i will always keep u happy! thats a promise i will make to you!
Taking mothers day into another side i am sad yes but i am happy also in a way! that even though my moms not around im sure her prayers are with mama MARYY!! she prayed to mama MARy to protect me and she send her love thru mama mary to me! and i am happy! and i praise and thank god for mama mary for being there for me always and loving me so much!! mama mary i love you always too! ur da mommy of the whole world! please take care of all ur sons and daughters around the world who cant spend da day with their mommy's today!! AMEN!! hmm going to mount singhai today! ts a pilgrimage place! wil update info about it when i com bak!! :) tc all!! HAPPY MOTHER;s DAY ONCE AGAIN!!


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