
Thursday, October 14, 2010
well hi everybody!! i know its been exactly a month since i last blogged out! but watta do?? been really really busy with school. Hmmm cause there is NO break at all in things.. tru enough that its the mid semester break but there is no break at all... hmm anyway turning the pages of life i come across different life experienced every single day.. well firstly i would like to thank all who commented on the peeps box!! thanks guys!!! well moving on.. well since the last time i have been upto wrk wrk wrk and more wrk as usualy.. Things at uni are ok... sometimes things are very annoying with these ppl who dont think about humans but only there self well those times its soo annoying... and also when the wrk load gets huge and u try to do somethin sacrificing all ur other wrk and at the end after all that sacrifice nothing comes up its more humiliating! this adds up where when ur BOSS is not stable and when Other ppl try to interfere. Sucks at times but the weird thing is that this is a unique world we gotta survive with the rest.. hmm really dont wanna talk about those ppl cause it jus boils ma blood! anyway openly i forgive to this person who runs behind money and who is soo greedy for money! i hop you wil understand that money is NOT everything someday...
and moving on.. went to Mt Singai a couple of times and with different groups! first was with church servers where we learnt alot on serving and team wrk. 2nd was with Swinburne CSS which was also for 3 days and 2 nights. This was awesome too! haha lOved the FOOD yum yyum yum.. well when it came to praise nad worship sessions it was awesome as well!! had a few struggles as well! but when the lord took over all were ok.. all were a good experience in life. WEll its mid sem break and havent done anything. im supposed to b done with the software by now.. but not yet as well! i dont knw wats lagging me.. but i really knw i can do it. sometimes i find it really crazy to b this lagging. But after mid sem i knw that i really need to put ma socks up and go ahead with wrk. I will do it..
Sometimes surviving with ppl with diff opinions is hard. but watta do! all part of the journey i guess.. Cause som ppl change there ideas.. som ppl say one thing and do something else, mood swings, Not growing up... well made me realize about life where ppl who have, dont know to make the use of it... i seriously dont knw why that is... arghhh its sad to see all that... anyway...
ooh ya just today was in the mall and fig'd out that som ppl are so dramatic.. they say its a reason but reality its something diff...i dont care at all.. if they wanna hide drama let them do it.. its not gonna hit me o anything.. well forget about em the place where things go more worse is that when those ungrown ups com into place.. arghghhh too complicating to explain.. i dont evn knw as to why am i bloggin about al these.. but oh well.. all are bits and pieces of life...
hmm well This December is gonna b one crazy holiday.. since the wedding is comin up got heaps o wrk to do... so havent planned on a date as such to fly but might as well stick wit da same i guess.. hmm lets see how things go.. cant wait to get back to do al that wrk and to b wit da family again... well after all this is gonna b da last time i guess.. god knws whn we wil com bak.. anyway hop for the best in everything. wish i seriously can go back now.. haizz anyway save the best for last! i would rather take it slow and easy and go for it.. haha cause after all there is only about 7 weeks left more to go! and then its HOME going season, which adds up christmas.. hhaaha this christmas is gonna b crazy as well... hmm gonna do something this tim for sure... and hopfully i'll b able to do some cover at home hmmm its hard work! but if i master ma skills in this software i got them im sure to go! hahaha btw the home internet conn is superb and im enjoying it lik crazy hahaha new softwares and most importantly latest GLEE episodes hahaha LOlzz im ahead o the rest as well!:P hehe im up to date on GLEE hahaa anyway this season seems to b pretty awesome! new songs and stuff hmm lets see how things will go.. anyway cant believe that ma holiday is comin t an end.. hmm missing ammi's bday this tim also! haizz.. lets see wat we can do.. plannin on something.. :P gotta get ready for that now.... other than that glad youth is coming up and gonna get da activities started up and keep rolling.. somtimes i think y lord do i hav to study?? if i cu do administration wrk i wud def do it hahaha :P anyway i wish i can serve 24/7 but cant nah?? gotta finish up these thing and graduate then gotta think o something! hmmm maybe masters which is lik later! hahaha :P lets see! there are huge dreams and goals to achieve but before that i gotta fight to achieve all o them.. which does not come easily! sometimes i think i could go and jus do ma own thing... but cannot na! but things wil change soon! and i knw that and i claim that... i only wish there was a proper transport sys over hea so that i dont need to wry at all! haizzz its driving me nuts at times as well... but lets seeeeee!!! wont loose focus on anythin!! all gonna b surrenderd and been prayed so that everything will go ok........ well hop to blog up somthin soon... until then take care all...


Princess Di said...

Big Hug coming your way seanie boy!!!:)))

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