Letters to god..

Friday, October 15, 2010

hello everyone... i know i blogged last night.. but thought of sharing something which struck my heart today.. well the day started ok busy as always but then evening was something different.. went swimming with the guys and then had a movie night in church.. the movie screening was "Letters to god" well glad that the youth ministry organized this event and we were blessed to have an awesome audience and was supported by our own parents.. they coming and gracing the event was a huge strength as well.. hmm well this movie is a such a .... hmmm *Takes a deep breath* i really don't know how to describe this.. such a wonderful movie.. it describes about this child whose 10 years and whose also suffering with cancer... he goes for chemo and also he goes through various things in life.. hmm but still there is one thing which keeps him going.. his FAITH.. that lil bro for the age of 10 had a strong faith and also love for jesus.. so every single day he wrote letters to god explaining on all what he goes through and also all what he wished for... he sends the letters through a postman who actually reads them and has a conversion on his own life.. Many people were touched because of this little kids faith.. He's faith moved mountains! and also it elaborates on JOHN 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. the key word here is BELIEVE!! well that little guy believed that he is going to heaven and he believed that god listens to our prayers.. this movie was so sensitive that tears were jus coming to my eyes... its really touchy and it was not only me.. all those who were present there were touched by the movie... sigh i wil watch it again and again.. the message to us in this movie as i see is like this.. no matter how or what life gives us, we should be ready to take it.. and not to complain but to take it as a blessing. even the bible just STAMPS it saying that who ever believes in him will have eternal life. its up to us to believe in his love and to believe that our god is always watching over us.. he loved us so much and he gave his only son to us.. and that son died for us.. do you think that lord who gave all that would let us down?? no way ya?? it cannot possible happen.. so its upto us to take the right decisions in life.. i dont know what made me blog today! but i hope its all for a good reason.. this movie is such a inspiration to all of us.. no matter what our life is what ever we have to deal with.. lets remember that he is always watching over us and his mighty hands are always protecting us... its just a matter of us putting out our foot and standing up for him.. lets all of us just give the truth of our hearts to him and open up to him and let him take control of our lives.. hmm guess thats all wat i gotta say i guess.. also wanna add up by sayin this movie is one nice movie.. and it is encouraged to watch.. hmm thank u lord for inspiring me to write this.. wel its another chapter in ma life just ma review and how i took the movie... take care everyone.. god bless u all!!!


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