how i realised things...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
hey u all! how are u all doing? im sure everyone is doing gr8.. well today i come up with another page in ma life.. honestly i had a tiring day today! and i feel like sleeping and its 1.15 am as well.. but there is this strong urge to blog something... feel like there are alot of ideas in my heart.. well where can i start from.. its september already and half of the month has passed away as well... since uni is on and things are just about starting to come up. thank god im taking 3 and plus im stuck with council wrk so life jus doesnt get any better than that. well everyday there is jus something that comes up and keeps me occupied and im actually happy about that. Rather than got NOTHING to do.. in a way since im working in the designing department in the council its a good opportunity for me to master ma photoshop skills! hehe lolzz not bad at all!! well moving on..
For the past few days things have been different.. well i really dont know why it is so... actually its in a good way.. I feel that im very hard working and the results turn out to be good as well.. leav out school, other than that well i have this inner peace which i get from youth.. serving god everyday... leading people in gods path.. its so awesome.. i feel joy in ma heart lik never before.. well we had a gathering in campus and then i made a video teaser just like a trailer with the events and while that was going on i felt goosebumps.. it was an amazing experience. and seeing alot of catholics in campus made me go Wheeeee as well hehe it was a wonderful evening that day.. and adding to that shy and prec spoke to me and said they wil join HTC youth to serve. i was soo happy.. actually they have bee wanting to do it for a long time.. but now the time had come they couldnt say no anymore. Im speechless about this.. actually god calls each and everyone of us in different ways.. its just upto us to respond to his calling and act according to it.. I also feel that we are a blessed generation.. and to serve him, to praise him and worship him.. all o them are so amazing..
moving on to my life..i can say that i take my life as a journey.. i walk in a road and in this journey i come across bumps, ruts, broken roads etc. well the weird thing i realized today was this.. I was a normal guy in Sri Lanka and i was a sinner, and then the lord found me thru my community and i was serving there. he moulded me and shaped me according to his will.. And now here I am in Kuching, Malaysia doing his will and spreading his news through music. Why did god chose me for all this?? i feel so special... OMG im feel so loved by god.. cause im happy that he chose me and sent me to this part of the world in my mission.. Well i could have gone to australia to do ma studies, my relatives are there, my community is there and i ot all the comforts out there.. But why did god sent me to this part! cause i believe he's got a purpose in that... this is out of my way. But no matter what, how ever much its hard i hav unconsciously taken it like a blessing. Thanks to ma HTC, empowered families and also my awesome friends. All of them have been there for me whenever i need them and backing me up. Supporting me and being there for me just like my own.. See in this country i cant speak none of the main languages, But stil how am i going on with my daily work?? this is indeed a blessing from god and i thank and praise his name always! and i will continue on in my journey of faith of spreading his kingdom to the ENDS OF THE EARTH! now these words were just words for me.. i just put it to the video and etc.. but coming to think of it, It has a Deeper meaning. And my mission testifies to it well.. I know my lord loves me and he will guide me thoughout. Im blessed in my mission in such young age. Well what made me realise more was this:
i was a totally different person before. and then after the lord found me and moulded me things changed and now my family is my priority and everything to me.. i realised this properly cause of the testimony my mom had written. I came t realise alot of things, that im not that weird different person anymore and i have seriously changed, Looking back to my life i can even ask that question what on earth was i thinking... well anyway alot of things were my priority then, But now things are no longer that..
Just cause i sound holy that doesnt mean that i have NOT been put to the test. I, just like a normal human being have been put to the test regularly. But i am overcoming them slowly through the strength of god. Of course i see alot of things when i go on FB. about my friends, how happy there lives are, they have moved on in life, people whom i dint expect have gained so much of happiness in life, some are in relationships, some are going all strong in life and etc. I am actually really happy for them. They deserve all that happiness, and i pray to god that they continue in there lives well, They will do there work very well and there relationships to grow stronger. I on my hand got no clue at all when i will meet up with that person, But i pray for her daily so that god will protect her where ever she is and hope she is in good care and good health. Hope she's growing in her faith and also she is always filled with happiness. God only knows when i will meet her. but its his will! and not mine. so i will wait. I got many more things to do right now. There is a young generation whom i have to lead in his path.. wow not to boast much i feel chosen by god to lead them.. hehehe well thanks to Jude i learned about interceding for your loved one..
Well talking about Jude i like to share something which s so awesome. Jude Antoine is a preacher from KL. I used to love is preaching. Firstly i met him in India at power 2009 and then i came to malaysia but couldnt actually meet him cause he was in another state which takes about a 2 hour flight. So then i couldnt wait to see him in power 2010. But before that i found him on FB and introduced ma self and we were keeping in touch. And then i met him in power and during dinner i went and spoke to him and was talking and told about kuching and etc. And then he mentioned what a small world it is and he knows sue and everyone specially HTC so then i was so happy he go to know me and all..hehe (Collars up) haha anyway i aw his status few weeks back saying e's coming to kuching for a retreat with the empowered ministry. So then, i sent him a mail asking if we can meet him, and then he said not sure but something inside me told that i will meet him. So i told sue about it and then just after the retreat while he was having dinner we got a chance to talk to him! OMG what an amazing chance that was.. i couldnt believe i met him! im a Sri Lankan, Met him in India and then i meet him in Kuching. Lords love is so amazing and weird as well! his plans are so awesome! and int he long term run u feel wat actually he wants us to do. Its not instant at all. at first we might feel thats its really stupid, thats cause we are human and we are weak, but as time goes by we start realising things and then we say OMG that actually happened.. sigh sigh sigh after talking to him i felt that i was RE-Fueled and felt like i can carry on with stuff.. And i will do it.. I am in my mission and I will do it... doesnt matter what ever it takes... cause Lord i give you my heart, I give you my soul, I live for you alone, Every Breath that i take, Every moment im awake, Lord have your way in me...
Well now i feel relived cause i just typed my self out... Praise the lord! and may god bless each and everyone who are reading this.... this ends another page of my life.. awaiting to blog somemore soon!! until then b blessed! PEacee!!! :))


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