junction and after.............

Friday, August 27, 2010
heyy everyone... its me back again.. well cudnt blog for awhile cause i just got back in Malaysia and still settling down. well with the up's and downs im still going on my journey.. i passed the junction which i came across strongly thank and praise almighty god for that. Living in a house is not the same as staying in the hostel. things are pretty different. alot more giving in.. and looking into everyone and mak sure that the house is in 1 piece :P well its all a good experience and great training.. well things have been tough personally... after 21 years had a serious family convo and had to make som important decisions about my family and my self.. well coming to think of it i already feel the responsibilities i have to tak regarding my family.. im ready for all of that.. all i can say is im going to play it as it comes.. oh by the way before i forget i want to testify something.. while back in sri lanka i just felt that i want to go to st. anne's church.. and something was pushing me.. so since dad was also around we decided to go there. it all just connected that sr rani also wanted to madhu but since of the feast agreed to go to thalawila.. well we decided to go on a saturday morning and it was about a 3-4 hour drive. such a good exp to drive out of the city and you have your freedom in the road hahaha i jus love road trips hehehe nywayz coming to the main topic.. went to church and then said the rosary at the statue and then we went to the blessed sacrement.. i had ma pod with me and i jus went there and plugged it in and began to worship. i jus had a vision there! i saw me playing guitar and a choir backing me up. and then sash came over and said mass was going to begin! so i went out and was seated and preparing for mass.. and jus 2 mins before mass began there comes a man sayin WE NEED SOM1 TO PLAY FOR MASS AND A CHOIR TO SING.. i jus cudnt believe my ears. i was lik lord you are so awesome.. and anyway i had a passion to play.. so i played for mass and backed up by our family choir.. it was so awesome that mario was also there he joined into! so felt more confident... was jus worshipping god in all i have.. simply amazing.. hmm well time passed by and i had to come back here. glad that all what i wanted to talk with our family was discussed and then most of them were decided and planned so that every1 was happy at the end of the day... cause next time we meet its gonna b such a rush.. so all are set and planned now.. i came hea and had to deal with som issues in campus... and BOOM hea we go sem 2.. things are going pretty ok.. still 1st week! 13 more to go.. and plus got student council work to see to as well... hmm helping out wit church youth work as well... cause thats one of my dreams.. i really feel that im destined to spread the kingdom over here. and from the boost i got from india and since i have been finding my purpose of my journey.. i feel that i knw its to spread the kingdom.. and i seriously gt some passion to spread it.. i see this road ahead but its a bit misty.. by prayer i knw god wil take that away.. and i will go with it.. had a movie night in church it was about mother teresa's life.. for a suprise it was the movie which was shot in sri lanka.. so i was so happy... and the turn out was nice as well.. got some awesome feedback which encouraged us to go on.. well with all wat i hear and things happen i just get more stronger and feel like going more forward in the journey i have to go.. i really thank and praise god for my brother desmond who is doing a wonderful job in KL... he is going on his journey preaching the word to others.. its so amazing cause his life is a testimony to god.. and he is using it and god has blessed him with some awesom talent.. and so happy for him.. weird things happened as well.. som ppl whom i really well knw try to threaten me thru FB and testin my faith.. well evn though how ever im angry i wil always bless them and forgive them.. cause they really do not know what they are doing.. may god shower his light unto them so that they wil seek his face rather than gettin caught up with external things.. may god bless them 2wice as much more and make them happy. after all they are all children of god.. about the plans for my future.. these coming 13 weeks are challenging.. personally and as a team i got to do alot.. im willing to take it up! just for the love of my family.. i will do anything.. i have to sacrifice certain things.. and i will do that.. just to make my mom smile.. well i knw what ma family is thinkin if im crazy in letting go of certain things.. but its just that i need to make my life straight first and then i will carry on... let it happen when its the right time.. until then i will intercede for that person where ever she is.. may the lord bless and protect her always.. well i got a busy weekend coming up as my mission begins.. i surrender every step unto u lord.. guide me thru the way and jus want you to make me an instrument of you.. so that i'll b able to spread the message of your will... by these words i sign out for the moment! wil b bak with some more pages in my life soon... until then i bid goodbye and leav u with gods blessings!!


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