i see the junc coming ahead... god help me..

Friday, August 6, 2010
hmmm bak again wit another page in life.. bak after india and the presence of god was simply amazing.. well jus dint feel tat week pass by soo fast.. it was jus awesome.. me by my self.. doin wat eva i wan and spendin that week wit god was truly awesome.. well met new friends.. learnt alot about life and also helped me in figuring about my self.. which was a big "????" nywayz jus got bak from india on monday and now the main question is NOW WHAT??? how are we gonna take it over from hea.. well all i knw is that since we got out of the heavenly gates of divine it has jus been alot of testing which has com across alot in life.. well all what im doing is jus surrendering to god after what i have gone thru... well today jus havin alot o thoughts in my mind so thought o blogging it out.. started off wit uni stuff.. had som stuff to deal wit and was doing it all day and was dead tired... thn finally things are now on pendin mode.. al hop for da best for next week.. then in da evenin put da car key in da car and locked it out... and then was in panik mode had to rush bak home and get bak again.. thank god it was in a reachable area.. but then it was seriosly testing my patience... i was struggling lik crazyy but stil holding on.. well its jus been the beg! its only one week after the retreat and things lik this have been happening.. dunno wat else is in store for da future.. next week is gonna b a crucial week and i wil b taking alot of important decisions in life... which is gonna change alot o things.. its lik 50% 50% im waiting for it and also NOt waiting for it.. cause i really dunno how i feel about it.. dads due next week and will b takin the decisions as such so its gonna effect my future and da days to com.. and there is gonna b alot of letting go then.. sighh but seems lik im gettin ready for all of that.. well its high time i really started to think about my life and try to do somthin about me.. i knw the plans and mission i have to do.. and i know there are alot of responsibilities that i have to tak to ma shoulder.. after january all of that will b comin to my head... so i gotta b ready to tak all of that over me.. so all of that will be taken into consideration next week.. all i can do us sufrrender it to god.. im ready for everythin.. im sick of listenin to all praises ppl talk about da rest.. and its high time i do somthin on my own and com up in life.. its not easy not a straight road. i got NO1 by my side jus god alone. i gotta battle it out.. but right now for all wats happenin is SO not helping.. but the time has com where i really need to tak that heavy bag on my shoulder and start walking in that road. its gonna b jus god and me.. i thought others were happy abo9ut the decisions they made in life.. but seems lik they got there probs as well.. so in that case im happy the way i am.. all i can do is interceed for all of them and go ahead wit my journey.. i forgiv for all o the ppl who make me annoyed and who hav don wrong to me.. thats wat im destined to do.. forgive... after doin so much ppl jus dont evn bother to inform.. well its alright... i stil forgiv... well i knw there were none at the beg and tere wil b none at the end.. its jus GOD AND ME.... as long as he is there wit me i wil not fear.. i feel his presence surround me always.. so im ready it tak it on... today at the end of this day i pen off this page by sayin i forgive all the ppl who don wrong and also ask forgiveness from all if i hav don any wrong. and wil promise to say that i wil interceed for u all.. well its not gonna b an easy task right now.. but in the journey its a challenge from god.. and i wil do it for him, my parents and that person im interceeding for... tc everyone.. hope to b bak wit another page in life soon....


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