where is the love????

Friday, June 4, 2010
hi hi well its june already and i cant believe 6 months of the year hav just passed by.... sigh sigh been away from home for 6 months and i think its a long time! sigh suxx to b out o home. WeLl da reason i thought o bloggin today is cause im going to open another chapter.. hmmm well today i thought i blogging about LoVe
well honestly i think Love is crazy and its the most stupidest thing which can happen in a persons life! and u give out ur heart to som1 at the end of the day u jus end up being such a LOOSER. well my friend came up to me and told me his story and i felt all this thoughts so im gonna blog it all out! jus wanna say if u who are reading this are lovers.. im sorry! its jus me writing ma thoughts! so please dont get offended! this is jus me me me and me!
so im NOT gonna publish his story cause its privvate! well wat i think is this
Love between 2 ppl is FAKE and seriously with his story i jus hated the word LOVE!
everyone thinks that loVE is a nice sweet thing! but its not! its alL BULLSHIT to the maxx.. cause there is no use of love! a person can b his own and hav there own time! well lOve is a waste of money, time and energy... cause the out come is jus 0!!!! u get nothin outta it! u can debate me anytime! wel u lik a person and u do everything! and at the end o the day u jus end up being such a big looser! cause that person wil jus leav u! and then poor u wil b jus ended up in a corner sheddin tears! and then the person u liked?? heh NO WAY! that person wil neva look at u! and even bother to see if ur cryin o hurt o wat! they wil jus move on with there lifes! so who becomes the looser then???? if they DID care and have a thing called a HEART im sure they wud stop by and listen and b sensitive to other ppl's hearts also! but its always dat case!! but da thin is they arent sensitiv! and they jus dont bother! jus look in to there personal benifit! haha ppl hav started to see benifits in lOve! thats y! and now Love has become a business! it is! cause a person goes on trade! and the other person actually sells the other! and then som1 wil purchase it! use it and throw it away! and then hearts jus get broken! omg seriously ppl put ur thinkin caps on!! where have u been??
where is that love where 2 ppl cared for each other and said that love has no barriers??? where they said love has no colour, financial, age, education o any stupid reason??? that era wil neve com again! now its not lik that! oh ok ur HOT, Ur RICH, UR AWESOM, UR FAMOUS ok i'll go out with u! or else?? NO ur jus a jobless looser in negatv terms! and in positiv terms.. Ermm i dont think wil wrk out cause our lifes are diff! - BULLSHIT!
if u realy put ur heart and soul u can do it! atleast now ppl jus think o a person with CONDITIONS! its lik Love becomes a programming language
IF the person is hot, rich, famous then
i love him
no i hate him
end if!
Ermm our stupid lifes are jus driven by HEARTLESS things which is sad... hmm neva knew that this wud happen!! well im really sorry to ma friend and i think hop this wil b an eye opener to all of you guys! jus think and watch out ppls! dont wan any1 to get hurt cause o love!
and lastly i wud lik to say that LOVE is jus one stupid HOLE! any comments welcom! but ppl all i can say is that EVERYone deserves a chance! wel its upto ppl to SAVE the beautiful thin called love or to DESTROY it foreva!!
this is SeAnIe signing off temp hop to com out with a part 2 for this! lets see lahh! if im free hehe!nyway peace to all!!


Shianne said...

well so why don't u take one step forward and show every1 wat luv shud really b lyk rathr thn complainin abt ppl who think love s a joke??
coz thr r ppl out thr who wud realy value love n wud think it as a selfless sacrifice for one another! fyi
Its a matter of choice whethr u hurt o nt wthr u play fair o cheat...it al depends on wat a person is frm their inner most being...if thy dnt knw wat lov is frm within thy cannot share it wit sum1 elz...tht's the truth!

SeAnI3 said...
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SeAnI3 said...

bullshit! LOVE IS FAKE LOVE IS FAKE!! wat u gonna do??? huh??? ur gonna change the world around? well i realy dont wanna prove that love is good! y shud i?? cause its da most ugliset thin i hav eva seen!! and LOVE IS FAKEE huhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu T.T u cant change da fact!! haha SEE|READ|BELIEVE! and stop posting crazy worthless COMMENTS ON MA BLOG!

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