My Family in another land...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hi Everyone... hmm Its been so overwhelming with all ur responses.. thank you so much.. do keep reading and also do keep on commenting! because its truly a strength that ur comments encourage me!! hmm well moving on... these days have been really stressful because of exams.. hmm well 2 subjects are done.. and 2 more to go.. there is 1 week of break before that.. so ok i guess.. haha anyway those 2 subjects are ok.. jus need to brush things up.. anyway i had this passion and feeling to blog about something... no specific reason as such.. but jus.. simply bloggin about day to day activities.. hmm the most important thing which we all are getting ready is for Youth Encounter (YE) which is organized by our youth in the parish.. hmm Well it was high time where we started towards this journey of faith. hmm really happy about it. Excited and anticipated about it.. It all started with just an idea where a few of us had a passion and fire about this... and we have been working our way through.. well taking a look bak at my life... i have com a long way.. where i was soo sad and hurt about life.. thinkin that my help was not needed in church.. and i had this real passion to serve... and trust me there were times i cried out in church... as to why i have to go thru all that and why whud i shed tears out? hmm it all started in college where i was in the choir.. and one day our choir director mentioned somthin which touched me alot.. and that was the mission of being in the skl choir is not to contain it there but to take t to our parishes.. well by then i could make simple parts and also i was playing piano for skl choir... so i had a this passion to tak t to our parish.. then i had a few issues where my parish dint have a proper english choir.. and they jus simply met for church feast to prac and sing.. anyway once we had a prac for church feast and i was playing plus conducting the choir and there comes some other youth from the other choir and then they kinda tak me down.. giving various reasons and then it hurt me alot.. i really had to say sorry so many times evnthough it was not my mistake... but stil they were just complaining about it to me.. hmm i was so Demotivated and thought that's da ever last place i wand to serve.. and then i kinda let go off hopes of serving in church until i met the ministry where i was playing.. but there was no moving... just me my self and i felt like an ANT among giants.. its an undescribable feeling.. was plying here and there... but stil there was nothing.. i kinda used to think wats my purpose of life?? why did i get talents where as i cant put it to good use?? and i was really dissapointed about my self. i was kinda humiliated with all of this happening. and bak at home it was kinda sad that things are very contained and there's nothin much you can do... well thn high skl was over i had to think about further studies and i came to malaysia.. and my first impression about here is that OMG how am i gonna survive here?? CULTURESHOCK!! and i give my talents in sl.. so how am i gonna put ma talents to good use here???? NO WAYY!! and yaa my first week here was ok.. i met this other catholic friend which was a big relief and then soon i found where the church was.. so i followed him to church.. and then that day.. kinda touched my heart... one thin in a church i jus love to listen to the music... and the choir.. and that day i was so moved and i was lik WOWWW this is really music and really praise and worship.. and i was lik only i wish i could serve here someday.. hmm and sighed.. and was goin to church few weeks more and then there came this day where the youth had a talk durin church and this couple was talking about youth.. and then i was lik wow.. i wish i could join them because i always wanted to serve in a ministry! and i miss my home ministry alot as well.. so anyway after mass this aunt introduced me to these 2 youth leaders and then they took us out to breakfast.. felt a bit freaked out but yahh it was all good. haha then we had breakfast and then they inquired about us and more info about us.. and then hmm they asked us to join sunset mass cause youth usually serves for sunset.. so we said we got transport problem.. and then they said they wil pick us up.. so we agreed and i was more comfy about this becasuse at home we used to go for sunset as well.. and hmm we are youth right?? its kinda hard to wake up on sunday mornings :P :P so i was like so happy go to church on saturday eve and then sleep all sunday! LOLzzzz anyway since the next week we were going for sunset mass and then i met this guy whose like my own brother now.. cliff! well he said that he'l pick me and my friend from campus to go for mass on saturday evenings.. hmm it was nice goin there few times and then we got inroduced around and then was a bit shy also! wahahaha so there came this day where my friend dint follow me for mass anymore.. so it was jus only me.. so i was glin wit cliff every weekend and i was loving the music so i was sitting beside him.. and then there came a day where i was jus humming a tune and there goes KABOOSH i started to sing in choir hahahaha so funny how it happened and then i was singing there! i cudnt believe it.. but it was happening.. hmm was singing there for a while.. and there came this day where my youth leader was not around.. and there was no1 to play for mass.. so my heart was telling me to go sit on the piano.. and then i jus sat there.. the hymn they were practicing was power of your love...and i knew that by heart how to play it because in skl choir we used to sing that all the time.. and also prayer meeting. so i knew it lik so well.. so i jus started to play that and every1 was lik ok??????????????????? since there is no accompanist i started to play since that day.. and from then til now....... its been a long journey... those two youth leaders are lik my own parents here and i have made a family over here... well now its such that i feel so loved by a family over here and things are awesome.. anyway i realised that things needed to b moved here.. and since i was not given the chance to serve in my own home.. coming miles away here and i am doing service to god.. i am so happy about that... so then from music into admin and bringing all of these youth in this journey was amazing.. and its not ended yet! there's more to b done! and things will be moved! lookin forward to spend the rest of my life with them! they are the best! my family! love them so much!! I think im really blessed to have them! I spend atleast about 6 days with them in a week! And its so nice to share idea’s listen to them! Be there for them… Each and everyone out there is really special! And god has called each of them by name to b there! So all of them have a purpose of their lives… these days we are getting ready for this conference called KAYD. Its held in an Archdiocesan level and we will be taking part as a parish! So amazing! Can’t wait for it!!! J just wanna tell you my HTC FAMILY! I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!!!