Now and Forever (Sean Paldano Cover)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Family in another land...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hi Everyone... hmm Its been so overwhelming with all ur responses.. thank you so much.. do keep reading and also do keep on commenting! because its truly a strength that ur comments encourage me!! hmm well moving on... these days have been really stressful because of exams.. hmm well 2 subjects are done.. and 2 more to go.. there is 1 week of break before that.. so ok i guess.. haha anyway those 2 subjects are ok.. jus need to brush things up.. anyway i had this passion and feeling to blog about something... no specific reason as such.. but jus.. simply bloggin about day to day activities.. hmm the most important thing which we all are getting ready is for Youth Encounter (YE) which is organized by our youth in the parish.. hmm Well it was high time where we started towards this journey of faith. hmm really happy about it. Excited and anticipated about it.. It all started with just an idea where a few of us had a passion and fire about this... and we have been working our way through.. well taking a look bak at my life... i have com a long way.. where i was soo sad and hurt about life.. thinkin that my help was not needed in church.. and i had this real passion to serve... and trust me there were times i cried out in church... as to why i have to go thru all that and why whud i shed tears out? hmm it all started in college where i was in the choir.. and one day our choir director mentioned somthin which touched me alot.. and that was the mission of being in the skl choir is not to contain it there but to take t to our parishes.. well by then i could make simple parts and also i was playing piano for skl choir... so i had a this passion to tak t to our parish.. then i had a few issues where my parish dint have a proper english choir.. and they jus simply met for church feast to prac and sing.. anyway once we had a prac for church feast and i was playing plus conducting the choir and there comes some other youth from the other choir and then they kinda tak me down.. giving various reasons and then it hurt me alot.. i really had to say sorry so many times evnthough it was not my mistake... but stil they were just complaining about it to me.. hmm i was so Demotivated and thought that's da ever last place i wand to serve.. and then i kinda let go off hopes of serving in church until i met the ministry where i was playing.. but there was no moving... just me my self and i felt like an ANT among giants.. its an undescribable feeling.. was plying here and there... but stil there was nothing.. i kinda used to think wats my purpose of life?? why did i get talents where as i cant put it to good use?? and i was really dissapointed about my self. i was kinda humiliated with all of this happening. and bak at home it was kinda sad that things are very contained and there's nothin much you can do... well thn high skl was over i had to think about further studies and i came to malaysia.. and my first impression about here is that OMG how am i gonna survive here?? CULTURESHOCK!! and i give my talents in sl.. so how am i gonna put ma talents to good use here???? NO WAYY!! and yaa my first week here was ok.. i met this other catholic friend which was a big relief and then soon i found where the church was.. so i followed him to church.. and then that day.. kinda touched my heart... one thin in a church i jus love to listen to the music... and the choir.. and that day i was so moved and i was lik WOWWW this is really music and really praise and worship.. and i was lik only i wish i could serve here someday.. hmm and sighed.. and was goin to church few weeks more and then there came this day where the youth had a talk durin church and this couple was talking about youth.. and then i was lik wow.. i wish i could join them because i always wanted to serve in a ministry! and i miss my home ministry alot as well.. so anyway after mass this aunt introduced me to these 2 youth leaders and then they took us out to breakfast.. felt a bit freaked out but yahh it was all good. haha then we had breakfast and then they inquired about us and more info about us.. and then hmm they asked us to join sunset mass cause youth usually serves for sunset.. so we said we got transport problem.. and then they said they wil pick us up.. so we agreed and i was more comfy about this becasuse at home we used to go for sunset as well.. and hmm we are youth right?? its kinda hard to wake up on sunday mornings :P :P so i was like so happy go to church on saturday eve and then sleep all sunday! LOLzzzz anyway since the next week we were going for sunset mass and then i met this guy whose like my own brother now.. cliff! well he said that he'l pick me and my friend from campus to go for mass on saturday evenings.. hmm it was nice goin there few times and then we got inroduced around and then was a bit shy also! wahahaha so there came this day where my friend dint follow me for mass anymore.. so it was jus only me.. so i was glin wit cliff every weekend and i was loving the music so i was sitting beside him.. and then there came a day where i was jus humming a tune and there goes KABOOSH i started to sing in choir hahahaha so funny how it happened and then i was singing there! i cudnt believe it.. but it was happening.. hmm was singing there for a while.. and there came this day where my youth leader was not around.. and there was no1 to play for mass.. so my heart was telling me to go sit on the piano.. and then i jus sat there.. the hymn they were practicing was power of your love...and i knew that by heart how to play it because in skl choir we used to sing that all the time.. and also prayer meeting. so i knew it lik so well.. so i jus started to play that and every1 was lik ok??????????????????? since there is no accompanist i started to play since that day.. and from then til now....... its been a long journey... those two youth leaders are lik my own parents here and i have made a family over here... well now its such that i feel so loved by a family over here and things are awesome.. anyway i realised that things needed to b moved here.. and since i was not given the chance to serve in my own home.. coming miles away here and i am doing service to god.. i am so happy about that... so then from music into admin and bringing all of these youth in this journey was amazing.. and its not ended yet! there's more to b done! and things will be moved! lookin forward to spend the rest of my life with them! they are the best! my family! love them so much!! I think im really blessed to have them! I spend atleast about 6 days with them in a week! And its so nice to share idea’s listen to them! Be there for them… Each and everyone out there is really special! And god has called each of them by name to b there! So all of them have a purpose of their lives… these days we are getting ready for this conference called KAYD. Its held in an Archdiocesan level and we will be taking part as a parish! So amazing! Can’t wait for it!!! J just wanna tell you my HTC FAMILY! I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!!!

In God's Time (II) the continuation........

Friday, May 20, 2011
Hi guys hope all are doing well?? hmm first of all i would like to thank you for your awesome feedback on my previous post about my friend... thanks for reading it. I got alot of awesome comments... happy, sad, anticipating... anyway it was nice on how each and everyone of you interpreted the story.. well so since most of you guys were waiting for part II here it is.. sorry for the dealy! i really dint have time to talk to my friend since i have been really stuck with assignments and busy with skl wrk since finals are up soon. So enjoy the story.. Time of blogging : 15/5/2011 4.49 Am <>

My friend who is AKA the Ugly Prince told all in his heart to this ordinary girl.. things were pretty shockening as well.. He was a bit dissapointed cause he thought that thru his actions he hurt the girl.. And there was a challenge since things dont turn out to b good jus lik that.. because relationships do not happen over night and it takes alot of patince, understanding and holding on... well after that day things were a bit silent and then the both of them were talking normally... Since it was a friday they had there usual classes and met each other there... was buggin each other and things lik that as usual well after class cudnt meet up for long so as usual this guy went to drop the girl home.. and then he touched her hand and said that he'l miss her cause she was leavin for the weekend.. and her face reaction changed... this really touched the guy's heart.. cause whenever he touches this girls hands, her reaction changes, and then the guy can jus feel it so much that he jus starts lookin at her sweet eyes and jus talkin to her.. anyway after that they both went home... Had a normal weekend and then both were doing what they usually do.. chat, FB, assignment wrk and things lik that.. with all that there was a bit of this small issue where actually this atmosphere where the guy and girl were talkin things out.. about future, parents, acceptence and things lik that.. there was a bit o heartbrokenness and tear shed from both sides but, the moral of the story was both were stil holdin on to eah other. anyway time passed by and things were good after a while.. and then... The week began once again and this week was special, cause many things happened.. started off with monday where the gal actually had to stay bak for awhile til night after classes and this guys wand to walk her home.. and then after that he took her out for dinner jus to have a random chat with her... and then dropped her home.. one thin which came out of that day was that this guy is really protective over this girl, and he promised that he wil not let her walk alone in da road specially at night, as its not good and safe for a girl to walk in the road alone. So he made that promise that he wil always b there for her no matter what and be protective over her! this was replied by the ordinary girl that she feels really secure around him.. and in the guys heart he was ever willing to take care o this girl.. cause she is truly a one of a kind girl... so sweet, so caring, loving , understanding girl could not be found anywhere on earth... so da next day was kinda a weird day.. things were pilling up and stress was building up in both parties.. specially cause o physical and mental stress... so tuesday seem to b a confusing day where both of them did not talk much and then which resulted the guy thinkin that he made a mistake somewhere and he was lik feelin really bad about it. cause the ever last thing that he wand to happen was to break that sweet girls heart.. so avtually he dint evn wanna go to study that day to skl.. but somehow he went.. and then they sorted it out.. and then realised that it was jus a misunderstading... but stil they kept holding on.. they prayed more more more more about it askin the lord to show them the way... and then went out for dinner cause the guy really wand to calm her down... and one thin which reminds me here is m own sisters wedding where this priest gave a sermon and he kinda gave these 10 commandments in a married life.. all 10 are so tru and interesting.. wil blog about it soon asap i get all da 10 commandments. they are interesting and applicable to all... and in one of those commandment it says that never ever the both SHUD NOT argue or shout together.. this is cause then the problem wil NOT b solved if both start shouting and not giving in... and which will only make things worse.. so one has to giv in and make sure that everything wil b bak to normal.. that's where holding on patience comes in again.. and none o this is possible with human power.. u seriously need gods power.. anyway comin bak to the story, The guy took her out for dinner and then he had to get bak as he had a few other things to do.. anyway somehow after all his wrk was done he went for dinner which was around 10.30 Pm plus... then he brought his dinner and was thinkin o the gal.. cause no matter what ever he does. he always thinks o her, is she ok? has she eaten etc. then he brought her som supper and ice cream (cause he knows she likes ice cream) and after goin bak home about at 11 he drove to where the girl stayes to give her supper.. and then he called her and said that he brought her som stuff and then they met up... and the girl looked really suprised and was kinda askin da guy why did he had to bother.. but then in this guys heart its only her and he'l do anythin jus to keep her happy and to make her feel ok... so this girl was acting strange this day.. she came out o the gate and was talking.. they both had a convo for a while and then the guy wand the gal to go eat soon and get som rest.. and also gav da ice cream.. the girl was really happy.. that look of that girl actually said alot of things..but the guy was kinda freaked out and not think o anythin.. so anyway he drove bak really fast home and called her... and then they spoke for a while and the guy cudnt sleep that night as he had som wrk to attend to.. he was kinda stayin up all night to do his studying. anyway after al his wrk was don he wand to tak a lil break and sleot for about 1 hour as he was not feeling well.. nd then he slept again cause the girl wand him to tak rest.. and then when he woke up he was seriously sick.. down wit fever and flu.. and then he dint know wat to do.. no life to do any o da wrk.. so then the girl was also worried. she actualy wand to com and take care o this guy.. but da guy dint wanna trouble hr so much.. so he was jus resting.. and then that day da girl somehow had to stay til night in college as she ahd som preparation to do.. and then this guy with that fever jus had to meet up the girl so he walked to college to see the girl cause in his heart he knows if he meets her he's gonna b oki.. cause this girl is so awesome and amazing she can actually heal sicknesses with her love and care. so they met and then went for dinner and also since he promised that he wil not let her walk alon in the road at night he somehow made sure no matter what the situ is he wil stil b there for her. so then they went for dinner and suprisingly the girl said that she's gonna select food for the guy and makes sure that the guy has somethin healthy.. the guy was speechless and touched. and then he seriously was fallin in love with her more more more and more.. anyway she ordred somthin simple for him! and also a drink. so they had dinner and then they went bak home. and then the next day the guy was a bit better but stil was havin fever symptopms but stil he managed to b oki because he was spending time with this girl.... anyway dat day they had classses and a tough day... after the tough day they went to have dinner. and also the girl was having a presentation comin up... so and she was worried about it as well... this guy wanted to tak all that stress out o her mind. So then they went for dinner. then this was caring for the guy as well.. cause this guy was down with fever. So she took him to this restaurant of his choice and then she once again ordered food for him. and she ordered porridge for him since its a healthy food specially for people who are sick. It helps to digest food well. So this guy had never had porridge before.. anyway he tried it that day. but somthin special happened here. she actually volounteered herself to feed him up! and then she actually fed him. FIrstly the food was too hot but then she patiently took the porridge to a spoon and then she blew da heat away and made sure he had a good spoon. well accordin to this guy he kinda loved porridge since then and jus ate the whole bowl. anyway after then they started to walk around the mall... in the guys mind he only wand to tak away the stress in the girl and made sure she smiled all da time.. so they walked, went
window shopping and also jus was walkin about around the mall.. listenin to songs in the shops, going checking out stuff etc. anyway they had a great time and it was night already so he walked her home... and then they were talkin there for awhile.. now this time.. the guy read somthin in the girls mind but he was too afraid to relate it.. so anyway they said bye to each other and da guy went back home. so then, da guy was feelin kinda bad that he cud not hug this girl good bye.. anyway he was continuing his wrk and evn the girl... they were texting each other and then they were chatting online.. and then suddenly this girl went silent during the chat which made the guy worried so much.. and then she got bak to the chat window and said that she cut her hand.. and this worried the guy so much! the time was about 12.30 am... and he really wand to mak sure that the girl was ok.. so he jus somehow convinced her and walked bak once again to check on her.. and then when he went there he was talkin to the girl and this girl walked out of her gate and was talking to him.. so this guy took her hand and then was talkin to her and jus asking about the wound in the hand etc. and then there were so much runnin in the guys mind.. and he asked the girl if she was ok and in pain and told her to take care o her self.. and then he jus hugged her.. and that hug was lik sparkerd it out and it was so special.. they were huggin each other for a while and then he was holdin her hand and talkin to her... and then she asked a question "do you want to own me???" then this guy kept on asking back? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I? and then the girl answered back sayin " dont you own me already??" this changed everything... and then this guy was soo happy that he was jumping with joy.. he hugged the girl good night and then dint evn wanna let go... ummm he wished da girl good night once again LOL and wished her all da best for da presentation.. and then walked bak home jumping wit joy... since that day things were official... so the out come of the story to all of us is that no matter what.. f its meant to b it wil happen. IN GODS TIME and not in OUR TIME. well im really happy for these two and i wish the both of them all success... and may the base always b thru god... so this ends up the part II of in god's time.. where everything ended up happily ever after.. which also gives hope that the best is yet to come :)) hehe stay tuned for more posts :)) tc all god bless you all too!! :))

Mother Of Mine (Sean Paldano Cover)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Finally My first cover... more to come... any requests??? hit it up on the shout out box... and wil try to do :) thanks all! enjoy!!

in god's time..

Thursday, May 5, 2011
its the 6th of may 2011 and the time is 12.44 am! my friend told me a story and im worried for him..... so i thought of blogging about it.. cause i feel that this is the only place where i can just type all wat i feel.... well its lik this.. he is a normal guy.. he names him self as the Ugly prince.. so anyway he had this life.. jus like me.. which was filled with sadness.... and then life was not giving all wat he expected and it jus became upside down.. so anyway in this weird life of his he came across this person in a classroom where things changed upside down for him.. well he was so excited from the begining to get to know her and then they got to know each other more from FB.. and he was more happy.. anyway they were good friends and then they became cloase friends... and was there for each other no matter what.. and they became closer and closer and things were such that they cud read each others mind jus lik that... he cud read her fully and also he cud jus know all her re actions in a sec... anyway they went out for dinner and stuff and he had this crazy thing of walking her home... and he jus did it for some time.. and then anyway he started to miss her lik crazyy.... and her birthday came up and he wand to b the first person to call and wish her at 12 am... and he got that chance also.. he was really happy.. well with all his past experiences he was happy.. cause he was not a person who was gonna giv his heart out to any1... But this girl was so special... she called her self the ordinary girl... but.. she was no ordinary.. she was special in her own unique way. she was jus amazing, big heart, caring, special, always a good listener and also an amazing unique one of a kind person.. so this guy actually fell for her lik crazy.. anyway he started to miss her lik mad as well.. and there was this time where he cudnt evn live without her... but there were a few questions in his heart.. will he get accepted? wil he get rejected? he dint wanna hav doubts.. cause she is the most precious thing that ever a guy can get.. the way he describes her i think personally i get goosebumps as well... anyway..... with all the darkness in his life... he jus was afraid to tak the next step.. because thinkin that he is not lucky in his life and has NOT achieved in his life as well... anyway after this person came to his life everything changed and then he started to realise god's love in a different way... and also by helping her he was affirmed that god loves him.. anyway... in life there are up's and down's.. so after all wat he has com across he wand to jus give one last chance to life.. and jus open his stoned heart.. which was locked for a long time... so anyway one day he heard this girl whom he also names as peincess cry... and it broke his heart.. he wand to b there for her.. wand to talk it out.. and also wand to jus mak sure that she's ok at the end of the day... he really wand to hug her tyt and not to let go.. anyway circumstances were such that he cud not do anything about it.. anyway he was glad that he cud talk to her and b there with her.. and mak sure she's oki.. and then he seriously was affirmed that he loves this girll lik crazy// anyway da next day.. he wand to meet the girl after classes for dinner.. and then after that he opened up half way and held her hand.. and told her that he really cares for her... and she started to cry.. this made him soo heart broken.. cause only if he can tel the girl how much he care for her??? and then be there for her? wipe those tears away??? but he jus cudnt tel her.. and then he went home but told the girl to stay strong.. anyway he went home he jus cudnt stop thinkin about her! so he was jus thinkin nonstop and chattin to her as well... anyway after that at about 11 it started to rain nonstop... and then he waited and waited and he cudnt wait anymore.. at about 11.30 he jus left his house in the dark road.. not caring for wat ever happns.. he jus gonna tel all that to her... and he started to walk.. and he walked to her house and called her up and she was gonna sleep.. and he was sooo worried that thinkin he jus made her wake up.. anyway she came down and he jus said that he jus came there to tel her that he loves her... the girl hot shocked and she was afraid...... and then the guy was panicing and sweating lik crazy... thinkin that he has don the most craziest thin in his life.. and he thought that by doin that he hurt her lik crazy... and then.. he jus confessed it all out to her... nd told her everything.. she was suprised and dint say anythin.. but this guy actaully says that he said everything which was there in his heart to her and he was honest.. well i know this guy has been talkin about her 24/7... and yaa and anyway he jus told her everything and now waiting for her reply... trust me u know finally he says that if he gets her he'l b da luckiest guy on earth.. and if he doesnt he wil b happy for her cause there wil b som other awesom guy out there who is better than him who wil take cre of her.. ad then guess he wil close hs whole heart out forevr i guess... hmmm that's the story! i had to blog it out cause i was so touched by the whole story and i had to sy it out.. this personally to me which i can sy is that god is amazing.. he comes up with great suprises in times.. and when all hope is lost he sends his angel to redeem som1.. and u know.. im kinda speechless rigt now.. the only thin i can do as a friend is pray for the both f them praying that let gods will b done.. and if it meant to b it wil def happen... cause he got everything jus because o her.. she us brought gladness happinesss in to his life.. and he jus doesnt wanna let go lik that........ so lets see how it goes.. all the best to 2 of my best friends... and this ends another interesting chapter of life in bits and pieces.. awaiting to blog wat happened later....... tc guys may god bless u alll!!!

Wrap up Twenty10!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Hi againnn to all my friends! well i know its really late to blog about my wrap up about 2010 but nevertheless betr late than never! well honestly i cudnt blog cause i have been very very busy with alot of wrk! my sis is gettin married next week and i have been sooo busy... And i couldn't blog before cuase i was stuck wit skl wrk specially exams! damn finally they were over and then yah had carolling and stuff! so jus after i had to fly home! and from the day i got home until now ive been busy! well yp that's why i got late to blog! anyway without spoilin the whole point i'l get to ma main topic which is a wrap of the year twenty10!
Things started in a bad way since i had to go very early in the beg weeks o jan cause o summer sem.. jus for crazy classes where u jus gotta attend jus for da sake o it... so i was lik arrghhhh and jus went! and then results were supposed to b out and those results were the main one which enabled me to tak the new subs. I remember i was sooo worried about it and had to go talkin to ma lecturer where she assured me to b patient... so i did manage to b patient and at the end of it it was all good.... i got thru and i was so happy! i was soo happy cause o another reason that i made ma parents happy after along time! that really made my whole year. and also i was takin a huge step in ma life... anyway few o ma friends dint make it! so was a bit not a proper time to celebreate! but yehh was jus happy in ma heart! and upto date i thank god for all o the blessings... moving on da boring sem was going on and we were jus doin da whole sem for da sake o doing! it was soo annoying... anyway survived that and also dad came to visit me for a few days... so took him around and took him to church and everything! and i was playing in church.. anyway after he left i was jus goin wit ma normal life...During this period there were few other things which happened! for exampl chinese new year! well it was ma first eva chinese new year so i was celebrating it wit ma church family! i was goin visiting around and then i enjoyed it! learnd a new game called 21 was playing and hitting jackpot! hahaha i wil neva forget that i started ma jackpot at jasmine's place! ;) hehe and it was going on! well after a few days o chinese new year i got this anonimous txt from this num and it turns out to b this person! <> so anyway this person and i got very close! and then came ER and my first ER i was helpin out wit da opening ceremony and also was singing in da back up choir! for da first tim i was seeing annointing in kuching and i was lik woow!! anyway by then this person and i were close! and anyway things dint turn out the way i expected! anyway watta do! but it all ended in a way that we neva spoke to each other there after! <> so moving on Degree classes started and things were tough trust me... i had a time coping up wit 1 sub and i got a crazy lecturer an indian guy who was nagging me to glory! he was jus killing me for everything... one o his subjects was lik so crazyy and i knew i was gonna flunk it! i was sad also! but watta do! anyway sem one alot o other drama happened.. where had a few arguments wit a few o ma friends and things dint wrk out well... we actually were aparted and it was jus me and ma room mate! we were jus to our self and it was also a time for us to move so we jus were finding for houses and luckily we found a house near to uni! and moved out there... well that sem exams were soo crazyy i dint know wat i did.. anyway after all dat drama we did our wrk and then after exams i was happy cause mom and akki were coming to kch! and we were goin to sin for shopping and going home together... so they also came and had a few arounds in kuching and then we left to singa.. wand to go to universal studio's but dint wrk out wellL! at the entrance tickets were sold out! so i was soo heart broken!! hmmm anyway did som shopping and went home... nice to fly bak home wit family... anyway then ma hair was soo long I had the Bieber fever haha so was lik Bierber crazyy! ;) anyway talking about life then i should say that all the up's and down's i went thru made me get close to god. I was helping out wit youth work... and then i was so happy that no matter wat i realised that i got a loving god for me... no matr wat.. was so not interested in relationships! but was commited to god... well then cause o this i got to know Desmond well... Desmond is also known as PAPA and also the guardian. Well he's a very understanding person. He was lik a father and he is an example to all of our lives.. his very own life testimony is an exampl! I got to know him very well and it was also a big help in ma life journey cause havin an exampl lik that helps me to improve my life as well!! o course we are human and we had our up's and downs! but stil we managed to cope up and go on life... i actually opened up everything to him... but sadly he had to leav to KL for further studies! hmm watta do... he and i are in da same journey! im away from ma home and serving.. and he is away from his home serving.. well after he went there he also managed to imprve his faith there...! this burnt the fire o me and i was gettin pationate to god more as well! before he left he told me that i shud b a guardian to the church youth! so i had more responsibility! and i knew it was another deep step in ma journey! and i told him i wil do it... and from then had to mak sure that all youth were oki.. hmm this was the first part o the year anway after 6 months came home and yp things were coming up for ma sis's wedding and yp it was kinda short holiday! i got another chance to go to Divine... India! things were ok there! came up re fueld after a good retreat and things were actually good. cudnt wait to get bak to kuch to share da fire... and 2nd sem started wit a huge drop! had alot o issues wit enrolment and i was actually sick and tired of everything! but stil managed to cope up! and then finallly got a solution! and then took 3 subjects that sem! and also learnt ma lesson! and i was in da new house. Anyway that sem was a diff sem! o course i was gettin close to god more more more! there were few huff and puffs there also! where ppl were not that happy wit wat i was doing. and the ppl whom i thought they were turnd out to b diff... they changed completely! very sad for them! anyway that tim exams also finished and caroling pracs started also and we officially started youth this sem! we were having movie nights.. and things lik that.. we took a huge step in faith! and im happpy that things wrkd out well!! we wil continue to grow in faith! we had ups and downs but we were affirmed that god was actually stiring things in our life.. anyway movie nights, prayer nights, pillow talk, EOP, caroling! all went on very well... thank and praise god for the HTC family.. and we wil grow in faith! i actually was able to find my journey wit god! i was able to fig it out! and i was so happy! this sem also let me helped who were my real friends are and who were not! well also i got som real life evidence and made me realise things.. where ppl who call them selves friends use our names???? well the only thin we can do is pray for there brokenness and we forgive! no1 wil eva understand how hard that situ is! the only way is to fall into our shoes and see how deep it is.. cause we are dealing with ppl's lives... it is very risky.. but when we go to help ppl, they do not want any help! they tak it in a wrong way thinkin that we are tracking them down! and they try to take revenge on us in diff ways... very sad that way.. cuase ppl think in a very kiddish way.. and how FB became there lives where they jus express there feelings and expect ppl to knw updates..... anyway i hop and pray that ppl wil get it to there heads and realise things! cause evn though u try to talk to em o anythin they dont giv it a chance! so wat are we to do?? we dont wan our friends to fall down da drain! we wil stil keep holdin on and pray for them and b there for them! and STILL TRY OT SAVE THEM evn though how eva much the ciscumstance is.. anyway caroling was a good exp! first tim wit ma HTC family we went on caroling! it was fun! but i had to leav soon cause i had to fly back home asap cause this tim da sem ended very late and i had to fly cause things had to b done at home... sis's wedding and i had to tak up few responsibilities... after comin home i got to know few things which the burden was cmin on to ma shoulders and i had to tak that as well... hmmm anyway christmas came and went! new came and went! and all in all 2010 was a year mixed! i learnt alot! and i hop it wil help me in ma comin journey when i tak other steps in ma life... hopfully things wil b oki! and hopin the best for 2011 waitin for som important days to com in da future days! hmmm all praise and thank you lord for a wondeful year given to me and to ma family.. thank you for being with us in everything we did and guiding us along the way! lord u are indeed our father and we claim it in faith that u wil take us higher in our journey o faith! thank you once again for everything!! AMEN!