two is betr than one..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
well guess what.. me blogging.. lol well i knw its kinda late.. but betr late than never.. haha thought of using life in a better way after all.. well what can i say? its december already and this year went really fast.. well galdly i got home for my vacation and planning to sing for the annual carol service at college. well other than that since all the cousins are back on vacation, thought of doing this documentry on our family cause there is so much to tel.. and our family being such a talented family on drama and music.. well i think this would be a good oppourtunity. :P

well getting down to business.. me and ma cousin sashini are trying to do something different. I haven't done a cover before and also mandly in love with "two is better than one- boys like girls" so thinking of doing a duet with her hahaha lets see how it will go.. so will be publishing that pretty soon on you tube and Facebook.. hmm all fingers crosssed and hope for the best hehe
Just started recording the instruments and sounds pretty ok la hahaha :P anyway thats it from me for the moment!! awaiting to blog pretty soon and let all of you know the latest kays?? hehehe until then!! take care and godbless you all!! :)